Tuesday, November 28, 2017

TIp #6 Making Money

Pirate terminator is an easy way to make 200 plus gold pieces three times a day but you have to do it smart. Let's say you get 12k oil and elec attacking a certain level pirate, but you use half of it repairing ships, then your net income is 6k oil and elec. If you attack a lower level pirate and get 10k oil and elec and lose no ships, your net income is 10k oil and elec. Play smart.

Also, stamina is important. Let's say you attack pirate level 5 and get 5.5k of oil and elec. Each sortie (a fleet sailing to attack a pirate) costs 5 stamina points. In other words, 11k total resources (5.5k oil plus 5.5k of elec) divided by 5 stamina is a yield of 2.2 k resources per stamina point. You only have 200 stamina points or about 40 sorties. Attacking a pirate level 11 yields 17.6k oil and 17.6k elec, or 35.2k or resources. This means you are getting 7k or resources per stamina point (35.2k / 5 stamina).

So don't waste your stamina on little pirates, try to maximize your stamina effectiveness by hitting the highest level pirate you can hit with the least amount of ship losses.

In my opinion, the best course is to attack pirates with carriers only (that is, no ships). If you only use carriers, you don't have to pay any repair cost. But you need to figure out what is the best pirate level to attack. I have a carrier that can attack pirates level 17 non-stop, but if I hit level 18, I can only do one attack before the hit points on the carrier are exhausted. I have another carrier which can hit about 6-8 level 19 pirates before it is exhausted in hit points. It still cannot attack a level 20.

Some people add a few ships in the defense slots, like 2 in each position (guarantees 6 times 2 equals 12 losses). That strategy only stops two air attacks. The first air attack takes out one line, and the second air attack takes out the second line. In my mind, it doesn't seem to be very effective. Also, I will always have some ships to repair, so that affects the net income.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Tip #5 Understanding repair costs as you develop a strategy

Number to repair
Repair cost in resources
Repair cost in uranium
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3

So if an enemy attacks you and you lose 1000 t1 ships defending your base, your cost of repair is 160k in resources. And, you can use cvp because t1 repair in minutes.

If you attack your enemy back (carrier only) and are defeated but he loses 700 t3 ships in his defense, his cost of repair is 1,750k in resources and 700 uranium.

So you were defeated twice, but he is paying 15 times the amount in repair. If he tries to fix his t3 ships in the cvp, he will be waiting 7 hours to get it done.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Tip #4 Defeating a more powerful player

Defeating a more powerful player

  1. Reinforcing your base with your teammates seldom works and just costs everyone a lot of repair costs
    1. It is possible if you get enough players but in the end, you will pay more for repair costs than the attacker
  2. Defending with tier 1 ships (T1) does not cost much to repair, and if you follow the tips in "Defending your base," you will not lose much
  3. If you have an attack carrier, send it alone (no ships) to attack your enemy. The worst that can happen is that it is sent to the repair yard
    1. The enemy will be forced to defend with good ships or he might lose some of the plunder he has accumulated on his decks
    2. He will lose T2 and T3 ships even if he wins the engagement
    3. In the end, you might lose 600 T1 ships (100k to repair) defending your base, and he loses 200-300 T3 ships defending his (1 M plus UR) to repair. You technically lost both battles, but he spent more to attack you, so he actually loses
    4. Why would he defend with T3 and not use the same strategy? Because the bully is arrogant. He will attack a bunch of players at once. He will not have time to use his plunder. He will be over the storehouse limit. He cannot afford to lose even one battle or he will lose some of his precious plunder. Therefore he is forced to defend with good ships. You are not forced to defend with good ships because you should have nothing on your decks to lose

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Tip #3 Use up your Uranium (UR), don't leave it on base

Use up your Uranium (UR), don't leave it on base
  1. You do not have to click on your resources. Leave them alone. They can hold almost two days worth of production. Essentially they increase your store house
  2. Don't collect your missions until you are ready to use the UR. They will stay there indefinitely
  3. Keep a production line of warships empty (not producing) in case you need to burn some UR
  4. Aircraft below level 20 can also burn UR (by upgrading), but after level 20 will need at least 168 UR or more
  5. Do the pirate terminator events or you will find yourself short materials to upgrade your aircraft

Tip #2 Defending your base

Defending your base
  1. It really is impossible to defend your base unless you are one of the top 10 players. And there are strategies even in that case to annoy the heck out of them
    • Asking reinforcements from your team will do no good. It will just cause them to have to spend all afternoon sending ships to the CVP for repair
    • Unless you are a top player, you cannot stop an attack. It will happen. The best you can do is make it unproductive to the enemy
  2. Since, you cannot defend, then you must not make it worth their while
  3. Build up your storehouse
  4. Always keep your resources below your storehouse limit
    • There are times you need to go over the limit, plan ahead
    • Bring all your resource ships back at the same time, so that you are not over the limit more than a few minutes
    • Use a shield only for those short periods of time right before you are going to build something. This should be the only time you need to use a shield
  5. Use tier 1 warships (called t1) to defend your base. They are super cheap to repair. The enemy will lose more t2 and t3 ships attacking your base than he gets from plundering (especially if you stay below the storehouse limits)
    • One additional thought. Build 1000 t1 of each type, otherwise on repeated attacks, the computer will dip into your other ship types
    • I have 3000 t1's and I'm thinking of building more and getting rid of my t2s, so that my good ships are always protected by the dock
  6. Use a weak carrier to defend the base too. (Every now and then substitute your attack carrier to bloody their nose, but always use T1 ships)

Tip #1 Create an attack carrier

Create an attack carrier
  1. Choose carrier with highest armor
    1. Equations favor armor over all other factors (Attack-Armor)*Range*NumberAC
    2. By the distributive property of mathematics, your carrier Armor is multiplied by the range and number of aircraft of the enemy. The stronger the enemy, the stronger your armor is
  2. Attack pirates at the highest level possible with NO ships
    1. Start at a low pirate level without ships. Attack the pirate. The experience gained is shown in battle reports under the picture of the carrier. Observe the yellow line (total hit points). Did it move much? If it moved more than one-third, then you are at your limit
    2. Keep moving up in pirate level until you can find the pirate where your hit points (the yellow line) only drop a tenth
    3. Attack the highest level pirate (the one you discovered in step 2b) over and over again. You should be able to level up your attack carrier one level each day
    4. If you get free exp points, dump them on your attack carrier.
    5. Your other carrier are primarily for gathering resources


I don't know how many of these I will do, but in order to not be repeating things to my teammates, here is my attempt.

The purpose is to give tips for playing Battle Warship: Naval Empires

As people send things I will try to include them on this page.